A wedding is about to takes place in your home?
Don’t worry; here is snap guide for your rescue.
Take help from Housekeeping
Agencies in India to help you organize your home. They add to your convenience
and ease. Moreover, you will save on time and energy.
Clean the house. A sparkling house adds to smile
and contentment.
Begin with your bedroom. De-clutter the wardrobe
and make space by giving away those dresses that you will never wear, or toys
and accessories you will never use. Dry wash the pillows and their covers;
mattresses; quilts; bed sheets/ covers. Give a special attention to the guest

In Kitchen, ensure that all containers are
washed and wiped properly, in addition to the chimney and other electrical
equipment like refrigerator, microwave oven etc. Maintain the storage areas, a
lot of sweets and snacks will be stuffed in, which may attract ants, moisture/
fungus etc.
The glass windows of the house have to be
cleaned. It is advisable to hire Window Glass
Cleaning Services in Delhi NCR for this. Yes, carpets, table covers,
cushion and curtains need attention. Get some new ones
Organize your actions. Make a budget and plan
the decorations especially for the florist, catering, tent-house and other
arrangements. Create an excel sheet to track and update the expenses.
It’s Wedding Time which means you will have a
lot of guests to feed. Try stuffing them with sweets and other delicacies. You
may set up a small buffet in your garden or dining hall so that people help
themselves and things become easier for you. Alert the housekeeping agency to deal with the waste generated.
Arrange for proper transportation of guests and
parking facility of the vehicles.
SpringClean is an ISO certified Housekeeping
Agency in Delhi NCR which offers Façade
Cleaning Services in Delhi NCR