Mosquitoes: They fly in still air, so if you keep your fan on, it will keep them off by circulating the air around you. If you have plants in your house, make sure you have marigolds since they hate the smell of it. Marigolds contain a natural insect repellent that keeps them at bay. Garlic is also known to ward off mosquitoes. Place garlic cloves or powder around your balcony or patio. Mosquitoes are easily attracted to damp environments so check for any stagnant water in your house. If you have any, make sure that you clean up the area to prevent mosquitoes from breeding there.
Ants: They can be very annoying during the rains, since they tend to breed inside your house. Sprinkle some talcum powder, chalk or salt around points of entry like doors and windows or walls even. These substances are natural repellents and keep ants at bay. Apart from this, build a moat. To keep ants from climbing up a table top, fill small plastic containers with water and put them near your table. If you are food kept on your dining table, fill a container with water and place the dish on top of it.
Fruit flies: There can be nothing more irritating than fruit flies hovering over your head when you sit down to eat. Check for any stale food in your house, since these flies are attracted to rotting produce. You can also lure these flies into a trap with some red wine and vinegar. Pour a small amount in a dish and place a few pieces of fruit on it. The scent will attract the flies to the trap. Once in, you can place a cover and then throw it outside.
- SpringClean is provider of Housekeeping Services in Delhi NCR which offers Pest Control Solution in Delhi NCR